Using our site visit services our customer can easily verify the merchant locations and verify the feasibility of the install.
We cover up to 120 kms in and around the city

How far out of city do you provide services?

We provide services upto 350 KM from a major city center.

Are your technicians bonded?


What kind of SLA’s do you provide for service call?

SLA’s are dependent on the clients request.
Our shortest SLA’s are 4 hours for service calls.

Do you provide late night service calls?

Yes upon special request.

Do you have references?

Yes upon  request.

Do you provide secured storages ?


Do you provide technical support ?

Yes, we do provide technical support upon customer requirment.

How long are your service contracts ?

We require a minimum of 1 year contract until it is a roll out(roll outs are installs or upgrades).

What payment methods are accepted ?

Bank transfers or checks.

Do your technicians carry tools ?


get support

contact usCall us: +1 800 779 1382
Technical Enterprises Ltd.
9811 34 Ave NW Suite 201, 
Edmonton, AB T6E 5X9
+1 800 779 1382


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InstallDe-installsservice callssite visits
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iT rollout support


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Technical Enterprises Ltd. All rights reserved.